My son is now five and there are so many things I love about this age. Age one through four were wonderful as well, but five is particularly special.
“My kid doesn’t forget anything. ;-)”
When my son was younger I admittedly told him I was going to do things that I never got around to doing. It wasn’t intentional, I just forgot. Now, my son remembers almost everything I tell him. So if I tell him in the morning he has to wait until dinner to eat ice cream. He reminds me about the ice cream at dinner. If I tell him I’m going to buy him sprinkles to put on his ice cream and forget, he reminds me to buy sprinkles. I think it’s kind of cute because I see his mind at work. It also lets me know he’s paying attention to what I say.
“My kid plays without me needing to follow him around the playground.”
Prior to 5, I felt like I had to follow my kid around the playground. When he was younger it was to make sure he wasn’t eating anything he shouldn’t. After he got older, it was to ensure he didn’t jump off anything that would get him seriously injured. Now, he knows Momma’s rules for the most part. So I can safely sit on the bench and engage in yelling and pointing commands (laugh/sigh). I love to point at my eyes and point at him then mouth “I’m watching you.” He thinks this is hilarious. I feel like this is a major turning point. I get more rest at least.
“My kid no longer escorts me to the bathroom.”
When I first had my son, I didn’t think about the years of lack of privacy I was signing up for. Well, it took some years, but I finally have a little privacy back. It’s nice to go to bathroom and safely close the door. I now can peacefully pee without thinking my room with be ransacked or that my kid will be injured while I’m on the toilet. I also don’t have him standing in front of me while I do my business because he won’t leave the room. It’s a new found independence.
“My kid takes short baths.”
Bath time used to be a time for Momma’s me time. My son loved to take a long bath and play in the tub. I would sit on the floor in the bathroom while he played and talk on the phone, read a book, paint my nails, or surf the web. I loved those long baths, they were my freedom. Now he’s older I don’t really need the bath time distraction to get my small tasks done, so I don’t mind the short bath.
“My kid is slowly evolving from the picky eater stage.”
After my son turned one he refused to eat almost everything. He had a limited list of items he would eat and this went on for years. Finally, I’m seeing light at the end of the tunnel. I’m so thankful for this light. He actually will eat bowls of salads with me and we drink smoothies together as long as they’re not green. It’s awesome.
Even though I do miss my son as an infant and toddler, I really enjoy the growth I see in him. Please share some things you enjoy about your child’s growth stages in the comments below.
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