I have a Momma confession, my house is messy more times than I would like to admit and I hate it. I maintained a ridiculously clean house before I had my son. I mopped all the floors and vacuumed every inch of my house religiously, every weekend. Now, I’m a failure.
I would like to blame my son for all the mess since he likes to dump toys out in every room he enters. But he’s not the only guilty party. I sometimes leave jackets on the chair and don’t put things away after I’ve been using them. It’s a bad habit.
The only part of my house that is consistently cleaned daily is the kitchen. This is mainly because I hate bugs and a dirty kitchen is a sure fire way to invite critters into your home. I also clean the bathroom toilets a couple times a week. My son has bad aim and frequently forgets to put the seat up. I hate to sit on pee on the toilet seat so cleaning regularly is a must.
The rest of the house is a toss up as to when something will get cleaned, unless there is an emergency spill. I’d love to mop and vacuum weekly, but don’t have the energy for consistency. There are so many things I need to do, but the things I have to do and the things I desperately want to do typically beat out cleaning.
Yes….it feels like failure walking into my closet with piles of clothes all over!
Yes…I feel defeated looking at the corner of my son’s room where I’ve given up on putting his stuff in bins because he keeps dumping stuff out.
Yes, sometimes I just give up cleaning for a few weeks and say screw it, because I can’t freaking do anymore!
No I’m not proud of it, but a Momma’s gotta do what a Momma’s gotta do.
Sometimes just making it through the week alive and happy is the only goal.
I will say, eventually I can’t take living in a messy house and clean like nobody’s business. This is usually after a few weeks. I sometimes even clean all of the time and I can’t tell you mentally what causes that. But mostly, I’m a tired Momma and cleaning/organizing is just something that I can’t do a lot of.
I’ve tried using a cleaning app, which I think is the best method for fixing my problem. Basically, I schedule areas to clean on different days of the week. It’s highly effective when I follow the schedule. The problem is I get burnt out and then give up. I have to stay motivated, which has been hard to come by lately.
I’m really on the verge of just breaking down and hiring a cleaning person. Although, I prefer to save my money or spend my money on travel. Spending money on cleaning is not that sexy. 😉
At times, I wish I was a minimalist then I would have a lot less stuff to manage (not going to happen).
So I’m going to further explore how to resolve my cleaning issue. This is one of the things that I admittedly need to improve. I think talking about a problem is the first step to resolving a problem. And well I want to resolve it, I just feel like I don’t have enough time and energy. My house isn’t dirty as I don’t let it get that far, but messy is bothersome.
If you have any great cleaning and organizing tips that don’t involving throwing away all of your stuff, please share in the comments below. I’m open to ideas.
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